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So far admin has created 7 blog entries.

San Carlos Apache Tribal Veterans to Receive Free Tribal ID Cards Year-Round

2025-01-06T23:40:59+00:00January 6th, 2025|

Your Content Goes Here FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Carlos Apache Tribal Veterans to Receive Free Tribal ID Cards Year-Round San Carlos, AZ — January 1, 2025 — The San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department is pleased to announce that, with the support and blessings of the Tribal Council, all San Carlos Apache [...]

San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department Launches Vital Records Outreach Program

2025-01-06T22:58:24+00:00January 6th, 2025|

Your Content Goes Here FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department Launches Vital Records Outreach Program San Carlos, AZ — January 6, 2025 — The San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department is excited to announce a partnership with the Gila County Office of Vital Records to bring vital records services [...]

San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department Continues Annual Tradition of Honoring Veterans with Free Tribal ID Cards This November

2024-10-30T22:02:03+00:00October 30th, 2024|

Your Content Goes Here FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department Continues Annual Tradition of Honoring Veterans with Free Tribal ID Cards This November San Carlos, AZ — October 30, 2024 — In continued recognition of the service and sacrifice of our Veterans, the San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department [...]

San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department Calls for Participation in Enrollment Code Survey

2024-04-23T15:18:40+00:00February 7th, 2024|

Your Content Goes Here  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department Calls for Participation in Enrollment Code Survey San Carlos, February 7, 2024 – The San Carlos Apache Tribe Enrollment Department is excited to announce the commencement of an online community survey aimed at gathering valuable insights on potential changes [...]


2023-12-05T02:22:09+00:00December 5th, 2023|

Your Content Goes Here The vision of San Carlos Apache College is Nnee bi’at’e’ihi nłdzilgo adanłzih, translates to “Upholding the Power of Apache Wisdom and Knowledge”. The College’s Mission statement is “To provide the Nnee an excellent higher education experience rooted in Nnee bi’at’e”. One of the College’s four major goals is, [...]


2023-12-05T02:20:35+00:00December 5th, 2023|

Your Content Goes Here As tribal people, our education is tied to the Earth, our Ancestors, our language and our prayers. However, we have seen the Western system of education differently. For us, Western education was once a system of oppression. As you know, many of our ancestors were taken away from [...]

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